1 minute read

I’ve been a bit lax in terms of blogging lately. I’ve been meaning to write more, especially with the #100DaysToOffload challenge, but life has thrown a few obstacles in my way. With how 2020 and 2021 have gone, that is actually a blessing of sorts.

I’ve still been working my way through my Netflix queue and gotten in some good gaming sessions, especially with Metal Gear Solid V, a game I absolutely love, no matter which platform I play it on. I’ve still neglected my reading queue though, and my pile of “To Be read” books is starting to stare angrily in my direction. I’ll need to pick up the pace if I’m to read 20 books in total this year.

My Linux dabbling has increased, and I’ve been a bit more active in the community lately on Twitter. I just need to try to also funnel some of that passion and creativity into my Linux website and the YouTube channel.

Our small Star Trek Adventures RPG group has also started up once again after an absence of several months, and though I wasn’t able to join them for the latest “episode”, I watched through the entire session and have had some good feedback on improvements to be made and some character feedback on the direction the story will take next. I’m really excited to jump back into the shoes of my character, Lt. Darius Alder, and see where our space adventures lead.

March and April have been two tough months personally. The longer the current lockdown situation lasts, the more difficult it gets mentally to cope. But at least I’ve found a few ways to get through it, and I have the support of my family and friends, which means a lot to me. Perhaps in the next part of the year I’ll hear some positive news about being able to return to Shanghai and resume my ‘normal’ life there.

To anyone out there reading this, I hope that you’re safe and sound, wherever you are. Cherish your health, and appreciate the people around you.

I’m publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload. You can join in yourself by visiting https://100daystooffload.com.

