1 minute read

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to sit down and knock out a few hundred words for this here blog. With good reason though as I’ve been rushing to and fro in my quest to obtain a visa extension for give me another few years in Japan as my original visa is about to reach the end of its usefulness.

And as anyone who has experience with bureaucracy will know, Japan excels at making you sweat with paperwork of any sort. Luckily it seems like I had everything they needed so I spent a brief 15 minutes handing over forms and waiting for them to check that everything was in order before I was given a receipt in my passport and told to wait for about 2 to 3 weeks before heading back there to pay ¥4,000 and get my new Resident card.

While this hurdle has been successfully passed the main reason that I’ve been notably absent from here is that I’m also preparing to move half way across Japan. In the next month or so I’ve got to sort through several years worth of junk and packing up everything I’ve bought since I first got here. I’ve also got to cancel my accounts and bank debit orders and sort out when to stop my utilities as well.

And one of the casualties of my move for the foreseeable future will be my internet access which means my ability to post any new entries and much of anything else will be pretty much non-existent.

As such I just wanted to put this post up in case anyone comes here and thinks the blog is dead. Rest assured that during the lull I’ll still be writing up ideas and thoughts for blog posts and once my internet is restored I’ll be posting on a far more regular basis.

So until then I bid you a fond adieu and hope that in the meantime you’ll find some other sources of hilarity on the world wide web.