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As you may have noticed, I’ve finally managed to get back into a semi-regular posting / writing habit. Sometimes, though, life is just boring, with nothing notable to blog about. And this is one of those times. So please strap in, and get ready for a short and simple update.

With some time on my hands, I thought it might be useful to tinker with some of my sites once again. My lekker.page domain has been unused for a while, so I recently threw on a Zap installation to play around with that for a bit. In all honesty, it looks and functions exactly like Hubzilla, except with a different protocol underlying everything. More than likely, I’m going to scrub it and see what else I can use it for. Any ideas for useful projects to host would be most appreciated!

Some changes I’ve been mulling over for this site have been to include a Uses page and a Now page. The Uses page would simply be a breakdown of the tech and software I use in my daily life, and it’s a cool way to share and learn about new software, or approaches to working.

A Now page is:

What is a “now page”?

Most websites have a link that says “about”. It goes to a page that tells you something about the background of this person or business. For short, people just call it an “about page”.

Most websites have a link that says “contact”. It goes to a page that tells you how to contact this person or business. For short, people just call it a “contact page”.

So a website with a link that says “now” goes to a page that tells you what this person is focused on at this point in their life. For short, we call it a “now page”.

A Now page for my site might be interesting, but seeing as I’m still stuck in South Africa, unable to return to China, it might not have the most scintillating of details for readers to peruse.

That wraps up most of the things I’ve currently been looking at. Hopefully these few small changes will improve the site a bit, and maybe I’ll get to make better use of my lekker.page domain sooner rather than later!

I’m publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload. You can join in yourself by visiting https://100daystooffload.com.

