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It’s hard to believe that a show such as Twin Peaks is now a quarter of a century old when it feels like just the other day that I was enthralled in the lives of the show’s characters and the underlying mystery of the town of Twin Peaks itself.

But even though it has been 25 years the show still seems to have the power to keep staying in the public’s collective unconsciousness with its unique mix of small town America drama and David Lynch twists. Its influence has been so great that almost every cult show that has followed owes it thanks.

For people who don’t know anything about the show, it involved a small town in the Pacific Northwest called Twin Peaks and the murder of a high school girl called Laura Palmer that saw Kyle MacLachlan’s character, Agent Dale Cooper from the FBI, arriving in town. Needless to say with David Lynch at the helm there is far more to the show than a simple murder mystery.

As a fan of the show this year was pretty special in terms of two things, the announcement of a blu-ray boxset that not only included the series itself, but also the infamous Fire Walk With Me movie that has been hard to find in terms of decent video and audio quality. Add in the fact that about 90 minutes of deleted and extended scenes are included for the film with many of the missing characters and plotlines that were cut out and it’s a fan’s best dream come true.

The second piece of good news was the surprise announcement that David Lynch would be returning to the world of Twin Peaks to direct a further 8 episodes in 2016. It also seems as though most of the original cast will be returning as well. Seeing that the strongest episodes of the original series were the ones that David Lynch directed the new series should be pretty close to capturing everything that originally made the show so special for many people.

“I look at the world and I see absurdity all around me. People do strange things constantly, to the point that, for the most part, we manage not to see it. That’s why I love coffee shops and public places – I mean, they’re all out there.”

David Lynch

