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The Curse of the Middle Name

1 minute read

One of my pet peeves on about living in Japan is just how hard it can be sometimes to get things done when you have a middle name.

The Pieces Fit

less than 1 minute read

One of my enduring loves is music. I’ve always been fascinated by music’s ability to change your mood, whether it be lifting you up out of sad times or bring...

Another Year, Another Hobonichi

3 minute read

Whenever September rolls around I scramble on the first day of the month to be one of the first people to order my Hobonichi Techo for the following year. No...

Back in the Saddle

1 minute read

So after a long break that started at the end of July when JET contract ended, I’ve had to finally get back into the groove of waking up early and going in t...

Farewell JET!

2 minute read

Five years on the JET programme has now officially passed with my final JET contract coming to an end at the end of July this year. Whenever you come to the ...