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Some Quick Thoughts on Glossika

2 minute read

I’ve done plenty of language learning posts in the past. This time around I want to just give a quick shout out to a small company based out of Taiwan, calle...

A Good Couple of Weeks

2 minute read

Seeing that it’s Friday and that I’ve finished teaching my classes for the day I thought that it might be a good chance for me to post some quick updates on ...


1 minute read

Yeah, I know. Bloggiversary is not a real word,  but I feel justified in using it to celebrate the fact that this blog has been up and going for just over th...

The Dark Souls of Blog Posts

2 minute read

Throughout many years of gaming the one genre or style of game that has passed me by is the brutal style of gameplay that Demon souls, Dark Souls and Bloodbo...

An Ode to Being Lazy

2 minute read

A few weeks ago I could feel the first onset of a cold, which was not surprising as this is the time of year that my body decides to just give up any semblan...