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My 2018 Hobonichi

1 minute read

2018 will see me opening up my new Hobonichi Techo for a third year after falling in love with it a few years ago. The brand has always provided excellent qu...

Falling Into Autumn

1 minute read

Another long break between updates to the site! That must mean that the intervening time has been chock full of awesome and ventures and exciting tales right...

Early Morning Missiles

less than 1 minute read

What should have been a rather boring and uneventful Tuesday morning turned out to be rather eventful with my town’s emergency PA system blaring out a warnin...

A Stitch in Time Saves… Sixteen?

1 minute read

A couple of weeks ago I had to go into a local hospital for a small operation and the entire experience reminded me why I am so in love with the Japanese hea...

Some Tom Bihn Goodness!

less than 1 minute read

I’m a huge fan of the Tom Bihn company, in fact almost all the bags I use are from their Seattle factory!