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Back in the Books

1 minute read

One of my childhood passions was reading. I would take part in my local library’s reading contest every year and read as much as possible. And I could find n...

My 2019 Hobonichi Planners

2 minute read

2019 is a few weeks old now so it’s a good time for me to post about my latest batch of Hobonichi purchases and give a run-down of how I’m planning to use th...

Hello 2019, Goodbye 2018!

2 minute read

I’ve taken some time in the past to try to reflect on how my year is been and what the upcoming year holds in store. So with New Year just having passed us b...

Long Time No Write

1 minute read

After what seems like an eternity I’m finally getting around to posting again. It’s been a whole year that’s passed since I’ve updated this site. I’ve been f...

Insert Grumpy Winter Comment

less than 1 minute read

The coldness of winter is now a reality and my mornings see me desperately clinging to my blanket and wishing that I never have to leave from its warm embrac...