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Driving Trials and Tribulations

1 minute read

Driving in Japan is an exercise in patience. First you need to go through what seems like a million miles of red tape just to get your license. Afterwards co...

Do You Still Use Your Tablet?

1 minute read

Recently my friend Craig posted over on his blog how he’d stopped using his Android tablet after a while and was wondering whether other people have experien...

Friday Ramblings

2 minute read

It just struck me today that in a few months I’ll be entering my fifth year as a JET ALT this coming July.

Closing Out the School Year

1 minute read

Last week saw me finish off my last two classes for the academic year with the students getting ready to take their final tests and then have a short break b...

A Look at the Hobonichi Techo

3 minute read

This year I’ve started looking at journalling on a daily basis. The first two years I lived in Japan I actually used a hardcover Moleskine pocket notebook th...