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Going Analogue

1 minute read

In a previous post I talked about how I’d discovered the world of Japanese stationery. This time I want to talk about how that new found interest of mine has...

Checking up on 2015

1 minute read

Now that January is coming to a close I thought it would be interesting to see if a new year has led to any changes as such in my routine. Think of this post...

The Wonderful World of Japanese Stationery

1 minute read

One of the first things that comes to mind for many people when you mention Japan is the vast array of crazy inventions that come out seemingly daily.

Starting Off With a Bang

1 minute read

It’s a brand new year and if you haven’t noticed yet the site has also been revamped with the Casperion theme so that it no longer has the basic default them...

My 2014 in Review

1 minute read

This is the time of year that most people take time to be with their families and spend time with people they love or haven’t seen in a long time. As for me ...