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The Return of Agent Cooper

1 minute read

It’s hard to believe that a show such as Twin Peaks is now a quarter of a century old when it feels like just the other day that I was enthralled in the live...

Seeing Japan Anew

2 minute read

It’s been a whirlwind two weeks for me recently, with my parents and two friends coming through to Japan. I’ve had to try and organize hotels, itineraries an...

Thoughts on iOS 8

1 minute read

With September and October each year comes the arrival of the latest and greatest phone/s from Apple, and of course that also means that there will be a new ...

On Being Sick in Japan

less than 1 minute read

One of the main drawbacks with working in schools here in Japan is that you’ll be exposed to a multitude of germs and viruses that almost every kid seems int...

Full Throttle

less than 1 minute read

After a long and hard 3 years of trying, I can finally join the ranks of the driving elite here in Japan after successfully having passed my driver’s license...