Recent posts

The End of Summer

1 minute read

With the end of August in sight, it means that in the next few weeks classes will start up, and the summer holidays will be a thing of the past.

Giant Robots & Japan

1 minute read

One of the first things that students learn when I introduce myself to them is that I’m a fan of the Japanese animation series, Neon Genesis Evangelion.

In the Heat of Summer

1 minute read

I’m just about all set up in my new ALT position after a few busy weeks of paperwork, moving and what feels like a thousand other things that are all part an...

Back in Black

less than 1 minute read

Well hello there! It’s been almost an age since I’ve last had a chance to grace this site with any sort of update. You can’t say I didn’t warn you though!

Hitting the Pause Button

1 minute read

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to sit down and knock out a few hundred words for this here blog. With good reason though as I’ve been rushing to a...