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The Roads to Sata

1 minute read

One thing I always get asked is why I chose to come to Japan and my usual answer is that I came here because I wanted to try my hand at teaching and because ...

Games Streaming and YouTube

1 minute read

So hot on the heels of my last post about the viability of streaming for the games industry in which I remarked on the popularity of Twitch it has now been r...

Is Streaming Good for Gaming?

1 minute read

With PC gamers long having had multiple ways to capture and stream gaming footage it’s still taken a rather long time for streaming to become popular, but re...

Golden Week Adventures

2 minute read

The end of April and the start of May in Japan is always the best no matter what your job or where you are. It’s a glorious period know as Golden Week, which...

Spring in Japan

less than 1 minute read

Spring in Japan is one of the most beautiful seasons anywhere in the world. Every street and park is filled with cherry blossom trees in full bloom and famil...