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The Annual Teacher Swap

1 minute read

Every year at the end of March there’s a lot of important events in schools around Japan. Not only are the students finally coming to the end of the academic...

Publish by Day One

1 minute read

Before starting up this blog I’d had a break of about 3 years when I did no writing on the web. My previous blogs all went the way of the dodo and due to my ...

Japan is Cold!

2 minute read

One of the biggest shocks to my system when I first moved to Japan as just how cold the winters here can be. Now those of you who come from the US or Canada ...

Graduation Day

1 minute read

This week was the graduation ceremony for the third years at my main high school. It’s the main event of the school year and all the staff and students try t...

Moving to Octopress

2 minute read

So the first thing you might notice if you’ve been here before is that the site looks vastly different from before. Previously I was running it on an instanc...