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Learning to Embrace Tsundoku

1 minute read

2020 has made me realize that I have a book hoarding problem. My shelves are groaning under the weight of accumulated books and pages and words of literature...

John Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy

less than 1 minute read

It’s been a while since I last managed to get out a video and podcast as part of our Miskatonic Alumni Association side-project, but your patience is rewarde...

Leaving Facebook

1 minute read

Recently, on Mastodon someone posted a link to a blog post by Aaron Parecki that dealt with how he left Facebook. Taken into consideration along with the rec...

The Magic Behind Tool

less than 1 minute read

I don’t buy much music these days, hardly anyone does it seems. But I’ve always made an exception for Tool. From the day I bought their album, Lateralus, I’v...

Getting Back Into Gaming on the Switch

2 minute read

Despite having been stuck at home during the past year with COVID-19 restrictions in place, my gaming backlog stayed on pause. Simply because my gaming PC an...